Blog, Environmental Projects

Successful Beach Clean-up Initiative at Juhu Beach by Debabrata Auro Foundation and Project Mumbai


  • Date: 18/05/2024
  • Location: Juhu Beach
  • Participants: 35 DAF & Tajsats Volunteers



  • On May 18th, 2024, Debabrata Auro Foundation, in collaboration with Project Mumbai, orchestrated a commendable Beach clean-up drive at Juhu Beach. 
  • This environmentally conscious initiative saw active participation from 35 DAF & Tajsats volunteers, all working together to contribute to preserving our coastal ecosystems.



  • The primary objective of the Beach clean-up drive was to address the growing environmental concerns related to Beach pollution and to promote community involvement in maintaining the ecological balance of our coastal areas.



  • Cleaned Area: Approximately 500 metres of Juhu Beach underwent a thorough cleaning during the drive.
  • Waste Collection: The collected waste was meticulously segregated into distinct categories, showcasing the dedication of the volunteers to responsible waste management.


Waste Segregation:

  • The waste segregation process was carried out systematically, categorising items into distinct sections. The collected waste included:Plastic bags,Plastic bottles,Gunny bags
  • This organised approach not only facilitated efficient disposal but also laid the groundwork for recycling initiatives.



  • The collective efforts of the DAF volunteers resulted in a visibly cleaner Juhu Beach, significantly reducing the environmental footprint of discarded items. 
  • This initiative aimed not only to clean the beach but also to raise awareness about the importance of responsible waste disposal and its impact on marine life and ecosystems.



  • The Beach cleaning drive, a collaboration between Debabrata Auro Foundation and Project Mumbai, was a resounding success with the dedicated participation of DAF volunteers. Beyond the immediate impact of cleaning 500 metres of Juhu Beach, this initiative highlighted the critical role of community-driven environmental action. 
  • Such efforts are vital in promoting a sense of responsibility towards our environment and fostering sustainable practices for the well-being of our planet.

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